How to use



To make use of the PostNL Supplier API we offer a Sandbox environment that is functionally identical with the live environment. This environment is connected to the back-up environment of our FMIS application and will be refreshed with production data every 24 hours Below you can find information about how to start.

To get an idea of the PostNL Supplier API’s, it is recommended to read the Instructions and take a look at the documentation page(s).

Get your API key

To make API requests you will need to request an API key from PostNL. API keys are unique codes that identify you or your application each time you make a call to one of our API’s. After registration, you will be handed credentials within a working day.

The received API key can give you access to all the PostNL Supplier API’s.. With the credentials you can run sample requests, use the simulators and/or make a start developing your connection(s) to the PostNL Supplier API’s.

Connect to the services

Using the PostNL webservice, the production and Sandbox environment can be used to make API calls.

EnvironmentBase URL

Read the documentation

Get familiar with our API documentation. The detailed essential information common to all of our services. You need to be aware of these conventions before integrating any of our services.

Go to production

After a successful end-to-end test on the Sandbox environment and the implementation is finished without errors. IT support of PostNL will validate the back-up implementation.

IT support will approve the move to production and will provide you with credentials that can be used in the production environment. Then, the service endpoints can be renamed from the sandbox url to the production url and the implementation is complete.


You can implement a (customized) integration of PostNL API's based on your particular system, platform and software. Implementation requires expertise and resource. To ensure you integrate the webservices properly to your business system and/or webshop, it is recommended to be done by (a) qualified developer(s).

What is the PostNL Supplier API?

The PostNL API offers you, supplier or software partner of PostNL, a real-time, flexible and modern platform for facility services. The platform offers these services as webservices that can be used by suppliers and external systems to fulfil communication needs. PostNL wishes to support her suppliers to realize a further integration into their systems with PostNL supplier applications.

The PostNL supplier API focuses on cooperation with suppliers that have a dedicated ticketing system to communicate about work planned to completed. . Using the PostNL API, interaction is made possible and direct feedback and validation of information are key advantages of the PostNL API.

How does the PostNL Supplier API work?

After registration via account management and IT support, customers will be connected to PostNL API. This connection consists of quotation requests, workorder planning, processing and validating of work executed.. Each service is described separately so suppliers can connect to these services and integrate this with their IT applications.

Endpoint T

The base endpoint of PostNL API is a publicly accessible internet address (Uri). The communication with the endpoint is secured and will be handled via HTTPS. The Uri also contains the requested functionality and version of the service.


Each service has an own version and is part of the endpoint Uri. This means that a set of used services contains different versions. A version changes when the interface specification changes. When introducing a new version, the old version will be maintained for a certain period. Sometimes an upgrade of a certain webservice is required. PostNL will give you a reasonable period of time to update.

Use of services

Each service is secured with an API key. This API key should be added into the header of your API requests.

Run sample requests

You can access the PostNL Supplier API without writing any code. With the API key and the documentation on this website you can run sample requests, use the simulators and/ or start developing your connection(s) to the PostNL API.

The easiest way to test connectivity and experience the input and output responses from our API’s is to use an API testing tool like Postman.

You can also use the Swagger tool to see how the webservice(s) work. You can find the Swagger tool at the submenu 'Documentation REST' of the webservices.