
Send a confirmation of the parcels

To guarantee the level of service, we need to make sure the correct information reaches us within as little time as possible. Using the confirmation service (or the Labelling / Shipping service with confirm) enable us to give real-time feedback per parcel, so that you can immediately take action when an error or warning is returned. 

Why use the Confirming API

  • Information of the parcels

    The confirmation contains information about the sender and receiver, the destination (city and country) and any additional delivery services applicable.

  • Confirming parcels

    Let PostNL know that the parcels are coming in the distribution process for a smoother process by matching the information and the labels. 

  • Shipping or Labelling without confirm

    Usually the confirming is sent along with creating a label. If you need more time to process the parcels after picking and packing and you don't want consumers to be able to trace the parcels already.

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Test your integration by copying the endpoint.


Learn more about the Confirming API guidelines.