Why use the Bedrijfscheck API
Illuminate company information
Know who you are doing business with.
Know your customer
Explore companies’ details, from address to legal status to areas of responsibility.
Easy to use
Prefill company information in your CRM.
Get started
How to use
Learn how to use the Bedrijfscheck API.
View our exhaustive documentation of the Bedrijfscheck.
All of our API's available as Postman collections.
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What is the Bedrijfscheck Nationaal?
Bedrijfscheck Nationaal is an API designed to illuminate companies, organizations and associations. This API offers several methods.
- CompanySearch
Returns company information based on exact search inputs: Chamber of Commerce registration number and/or branch number, RSIN or PostNL key.
- CompanyNameAndAddress
Returns company information based on exact or fuzzy search inputs, where company name is mandatory and address fields are optional.
- CompanyAddress
Returns company information based on exact or fuzzy search inputs of address components.
- CompanyPhone
Returns company information based on registered company phone number.
- CompanyDetails
Returns detailed information about a single company, based on the exact inputs of (a) Chamber of Commerce registration number with branch number or (b) PostNL key.
- CompanyDetailsExtra
Returns additional detailed information about a single company, including contact information on DMU level, based on the exact inputs of (a) Chamber of Commerce registration number with branch number or (b) PostNL key.