
Get time windows in which parcels are estimated to be delivered

This API provides you with the opportunity to display the possible day and time of arrival of the parcels in the checkout of a webshop. Based on specified delivery options, you get timeframes which are an indication in a number of hours when a parcel can be received by your customers.

Why use the Timeframe API

  • Customer convenience

    Using this API in combination with the Deliverydate API give your customers more information and control about the arrival of the parcels.

  • Time windows based on experience and driving routes

    To give an indication based on past experience and is dynamic data. It is not guaranteed that for a given postal code the timeframe has the same timeframe a week later.

  • Ensure if delivery options are available at the requested address

    To receive the reason why a timeframe is not available based on date, postal code and delivery option.

Get started

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 Test your integration by copying the endpoint.


Learn more about the Timeframe API guidelines.