IBANcheck Nationaal
IBANcheck Nationaal
IBAN is the International Bank Account Number. The IBAN is a way of showing your existing bank account details in an internationally recognized and standardized format
It is made up of 4 elements:
We offer 2 APIs within IBANcheck Nationaal product. Either validate a complete IBAN code or turn an (old existing) bank account number into a complete IBAN code:
Method | Description | | API that validates a complete IBAN code. | | API that turns a bank account number in a complete IBAN by adding a country code, bank code and check digit. |
Note: This API supports the GET method.
Preview the API call buildup below.
Request Calculate
Attribute | Mandatory | Format | Description | Example |
account | M | String [10] Either with or without the first character ‘0’. Within the IBAN code a bank account number starts with a ‘0’. | Account number | 0123456789 |
Response Calculate
Attribute | Description | Example |
iban | IBAN code | NL24BANK0123456789 |
address | Address of the bank | Teststreet 100 |
bank | Bank name | Rabobank |
bic | Bank Identifier Code | BANKNL2XXXX |
city | City of the bank | Amsterdam |
zip | Postalcode of the bank | 1000 AA |
Status codes Calculate
The following status codes can be returned for the calculation API:
Attribute | Format |
I01 | Invalid account number |
I03 | Bank code not found |
Request Validate
Attribute group | Mandatory | Description | Example |
iban | M | IBAN code | NL24BANK0123456789 |
Response Validate:
Attribute group | Attribute | Description | Example |
bank_data | bic | Bank Identifier Code | BANKNL2AXXX |
bank | Bank name | BANK NEDERLAND | |
address | Address of the bank | GELDSTRAAT 18 | |
city | City of the bank | AMSTERADM | |
zip | ZIP of the bank | 1000 AA | |
country | Country of the bank of the bank | Netherlands | |
country_iso | Country ISO of the bank | NL | |
account | Account number | 0123456789 | |
errors | code | Status codes (up to 5 in the output) | I01 |
Status Code | Type | Description |
C01 | Correct | Check digit correct |
C02 | Correct | Check digit account number correct |
C03 | Correct | Length correct |
C04 | Correct | Check digit not supported by account number |
C05 | Correct | Structure correct |
I01 | Incorrect | Check digit account number incorrect |
I02 | Incorrect | Check digit incorrect |
I03 | Incorrect | Length incorrect |
I04 | Incorrect | Structure incorrect |
I05 | Incorrect | Only dutch (NL) account numbers allowed |
E01 | Error | Invalid API Key |
E02 | Error | Account error |
E03 | Error | No queries available |
E04 | Error | Access denied |