How to use
Bulkmail webservice
Bulkmail webservice
You must go through a number of phases to be able to use the BulkMail web service. This site describes the procedure, the requirements and the instructions.
If you want to make use of the BulkMail web service, please contact the MijnPost team or send a mail to It is not possible to request access to this web service via this website.
PostNL will ask you under which (primary) customer number you want to use the BulkMail web service and under which customer number(s) you want to be able to give advance notification and present shipments. A B2B account will be created for you in the BulkMail web service test environment. This will allow you to test the link; (the account receives an recognisable name so that it is clear in MijnPost that shipments are created by a B2B account).
The UPN and the primary customer number of the B2B account are included in the certificate which must be created and issued to the customer in order to be able to test in the PostNL test environment.
The following information will be communicated to you:
Onderstaande gegevens zijn nodig om de webservice op de testomgeving aan te roepen en eventueel de orders in MijnPost op te vragen.
Description | Explanation |
Certificate | The certificate is a “pfx” file: “xxx.pfx”; these will be communicated via mail |
WSDL of the test environment (a/pat environment) | |
URL B2B web service | |
URL of the MijnPost test environment (a/pat environment) | |
Login account and password for MijnPost | these will be communicated via mail |
When you and PostNL agree that your organisation can connect to the BulkMail web service, you will receive the following:
PreAdviceBulkMailOrder | Give advance notification of a shipment |
ValidateAdressAttachment | Verify an address file |
GetValdiationResult | Download files for unsorted products |
ValidateAndSortAddressAttachment | Sort an address file |
GetValidationAndSortingResult | Download files for sorted products |
GetPackagingInformation | Download PackagingCards |
TenderBulkMailOrder | Present a shipment |
These messages, which are used in the BulkMail web service, are described in the Message Implementation Guides (MIGs):
See documentation tab
Below are a few examples of products you can offer and the order of messages associated with them.
Product 101 (Registered mail) does not need to be verified or sorted:
Step 1 – PreAdviceBulkMailOrderV2 (= Advance notification)
Stap 2 – TenderBulkMailOrderV2 (= Present)
Product 2821 (24 hr Mixed):
Step 1 – PreAdviceBulkMailOrderV2 (= Advance notification)
Step 2 – ValidateAddressAttachmentV1 (Verify an address file)
Step 3 – GetValidationResultV1 (Download files)
Step 4 – TenderBulkMailOrderV2 (= Present)
Product 2835 (Basic Special, sorted):
Step 1 – PreAdviceBulkMailOrderV2 (= Advance notification)
Step 2 – ValidateAndSortAddressAttachmentV1 (Sort an address file)
Step 3 – GetValidationAndSortingResultV1 (Download files)
Step 4 – TenderBulkMailOrderV2 (= Present)
For example, present shipment of Product 2835 (Basic Special, sorted): Step 1 – PreAdviceBulkMailOrderV2 (= Advance notification)
Step 2 – ValidateAndSortAddressAttachmentV1 (Sort an address file)
Step 3 – GetValidationAndSortingResultV1 (Download files)
Step 4 – TenderBulkMailOrderV2 (= Present)
Using Product 2835, below is an explanation of how to go through the steps using the messages.
Step 1 – Give advance notification of a shipment with Product 2835 Basic Special, sorted.
Create a message with PreAdviceBulkMailOrderV2.
Make sure you have a valid date in element ConsignmentShippingDate and give the shipment a recognisable description.
You do this in the following element ORIK-1 (= description of the shipment).
<b:DocumentID> <b:ID> <b:Value>d29fc733-367f-4e7d-b1bc-c4764c6542d8</b:Value> <b:schemeAgencyID i:nil="true"/> <b:schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID i:nil="true"/> <b:schemeAgencySchemeID i:nil="true"/> <b:schemeID i:nil="true"/> <b:schemeVersionID i:nil="true"/> </b:ID> <b:RevisionID i:nil="true"/> <b:VariationID i:nil="true"/> <b:agencyRole i:nil="true"/> </b:DocumentID> |
Step 2 – From the response message (= PreAdviceBulkMailOrderV2Response) of Step 1 you must copy the element Consignmentid 100016843407 (example).
Step 3 – Go to the message ValidateAndSortAddressAttachmentV1 and copy the Consignmentid 100016843407 as Value for the element Consignmentid.
If you are sure you have correctly entered all Values, click again on the green triangle. The address file is now being sorted.
Step 4 – Now go to the message GetValidationAndSortingResultV1, which you will use to download the files. Once again, fill in the ConsignmentId 100016843407 in this message and, from the response message (= ValidateAndSortAddressAttachmentV1Response) of Step 3, copy the Value found at the string of element DocumentID (see the boldfaced part below).
Step 2 – From the response message (= PreAdviceBulkMailOrderV2Response) of Step 1 you must copy the element Consignmentid 100016843407 (example).
Step 3 – Go to the message ValidateAndSortAddressAttachmentV1 and copy the Consignmentid 100016843407 as Value for the element Consignmentid.
If you are sure you have correctly entered all Values, click again on the green triangle. The address file is now being sorted.
Step 4 – Now go to the message GetValidationAndSortingResultV1, which you will use to download the files. Once again, fill in the ConsignmentId 100016843407 in this message and, from the response message (= ValidateAndSortAddressAttachmentV1Response) of Step 3, copy the Value found at the string of element DocumentID (see the boldfaced part below).
<b:DocumentID> <b:ID> <b:Value>d29fc733-367f-4e7d-b1bc-c4764c6542d8</b:Value> <b:schemeAgencyID i:nil="true"/> <b:schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID i:nil="true"/> <b:schemeAgencySchemeID i:nil="true"/> <b:schemeID i:nil="true"/> <b:schemeVersionID i:nil="true"/> </b:ID> <b:RevisionID i:nil="true"/> <b:VariationID i:nil="true"/> <b:agencyRole i:nil="true"/> </b:DocumentID> |
This string (only the boldfaced part above) must be pasted as a Value at the element DocumentID (see screen print below), and again click on the green triangle.
Step 5 – When the response message (GetValidationAndSortingResultV1Response) of Step 4 is ready, you must copy the string which is at the element EmbeddedData.