


In our distribution process, shipping labels are used to guide the parcels on its way to delivery and PostNL rely on the information on the labels . This makes it a vital step in the journey of the parcel from sender to receiver.

Why use the Labelling API

Generate shipping labels 
This service provides you the possibility to produce labels for domestic use (in The Netherlands and Belgium) as well for Parcels EU and Parcels Non-EU (worldwide).

You can integrate this service in your IT- infrastructure immediately after completed transactions in your checkout, for this eases the whole process thereafter.

Confirming parcels
This API combines creating a label and the confirmation toward PostNL (optional). In this way, the information we receive and the label always matches. This guarantees a smoother process in distribution.

Get started

Request your (Sandbox) API Key and start using the API.
As soon as you have an API key, it is recommended to run our Postman collections. Here you can find code examples of the various services and products we offer. This makes implementing the APIs much easier.

On this page you will find all the necessary information for implementing this API.
Please check the Guidelines for useful information.
Descriptions, formats and examples of the API attributes are also very useful to look at.


Method: POST


Generate shipping labels

Query parameter:

With the Confirm boolean in the request, you can determine if you want to confirm the shipment in the same call or not. If the Boolean variable is true the shipment will be preannounced. If this is set to false, then an additional Confirming API request needs to be made.

Call details

Interface version 2_2*
Sandbox endpoint
Sandbox wsdl
Sandbox swagger
Production endpoint
Production wsdl 
Production swagger





Release Date


Release Notes

Schema Changes



Jun 01, 2017


the following fields have been added to the interface, in order to implement a commercial route to China:
- Shipment.Customs.Content.Content.EAN;
-Shipment Customs.Content.Content.ProductURL.
And the following fields have been added to the interface for Delivery on Demand (Mytime):

- DeliveryTimestampStart
- DeliveryTimestampEnd 




Jan 25, 2019

Current version

The following fields have been added to the interface for shipments to the USA:


-Shipment.CodingText (response)
A Codingtext have been added to the labels for mailbox parcels (brievenbuspakjes).

VersionRelease DateStatusRelease NotesSchema Changes
1_3Dec 27, 2012Not supported   
1_4Nov 8, 2013Not supportedThe following fields have been added to the interface:

The following fields have been removed from the interface:

To comply with SEPA regulation, the bank account details must be entered in IBAN format. The COD card has been changed to print the IBAN bank account number.
1_5Feb 27, 2014Not supported

Different namespace 

Note: due to changes in the backend the Label in the box (return label) functionality is only available from version 1_6 or later.

The following fields have been added to the interface:

1_6Aug 14, 2014SupportedDifferent namespaceYes
1_7Nov 14, 2014SupportedThe following field has been added to the interface:
1_8Jan 12, 2015Not supportedThe following fields have been added to the interface:
- Shipment.IDNumber
- Shipment.IDType
- Shipment.IDExpiration
- Shipment.ReceiverDateOfBirth

The field StreetHouseNrExt is now usable for locations in NL, BE and DE.
1_9Apr 24, 2015Not supportedThe request now includes a field for adding a signature to the labels generated by the service. This field is optional, so no change is required to use the new version of the service.

Shipment validation errors now include an error code in addition to the error message.
2_0Aug 14, 2015SupportedMultiple shipments can now be sent in one request to the labelling service. To this end the Shipment field has been replaced by a Shipments field, which contains a list of Shipment elements. The response has also been modified. Instead of a ResponseShipment element, the response now consists of a GenerateLabelResponse element, which has a ResponseShipments field containing multiple ResponseShipment elements.

You can use this functionality with the GraphicFile|PDF|Merge printer types to generate one label document containing multiple labels. These “merged label” documents can be found in the new MergedLabels response field.

If you want to send only one shipment, you have to specify the Shipments element containing one Shipment.
2_1July 15, 2017Supported

PostNL has implemented a commercial route to China. In order to do this, the following fields have been added to the interface: - Shipment.Customs.Content.Content.EAN
- Shipment Customs.Content.Content.ProductURL
The Shipment.Customs.Content element can occur up to 10 times instead of 5.

- DeliveryTimestampStart (Delivery on Demand label)

- DeliveryTimestampEnd (Delivery on Demand label)

2_2Jan 25, 2019Current version

The following fields have been added to the interface for shipments to the USA:





-Shipment.CodingText (response)

A Codingtext have been added to the labels for mailbox parcels (brievenbuspakjes).



Shipping labels
The label that are send to you is not suited for scaling, for the measures of the label are carefully designed to ease the parcel through our process.

This API contains the possibility to create a label and the PostNL confirmation. This service sends the confirmation to the PostNL systems and upon receiving the confirmation, the service sends back a filled in label to print and to stick on the parcel.

With the Confirm boolean in the request (true of false), you can determine if you want to confirm the shipment in the same call or not.

Print quality for shipping labels
Parcels are sometimes delayed as a result of poorly-printed shipping labels, because we are unable to scan the barcode. To prevent this, we ask to pay close attention to the print quality of your labels. That way, we can apply smarter sorting to your parcels, deliver faster and achieve more satisfied customers.

Please check this link for more information.

Error handling
We would like to stress the need for a suitable error handling implementation on your side. If somehow, an error is received at your end upon sending your confirmation, this means that we could not process the information correctly and the successful delivery of the parcel is in jeopardy. We strive to return the error message with as much detail as possible so you can take proper action in order to improve the information about the parcel and retry.
Error codes have been specified in the API Generic document. Errors from the backend services will be caught and returned as standard API errors according to the generic error handling procedures in API.

Request size
The total request can have a maximum size of 200KB. Larger requests will not be accepted by the server for performance reasons. Requests that exceed this limit will not return a label, but a HTTP 404 error.
Destination EU / Rest of World
The Customs type is mandatory for ‘Parcels non-EU” (Rest of World) shipments and recommended for shipments with destination EU and not allowed for any other shipment types. 
Street, HouseNr and HouseNrExt
The element StreetHouseNrExt is a combination of Street, HouseNr and HouseNrExt. This field has a dependency with the field Street. One of both fields must be filled mandatory.
This field can be used in case the values of Street, HouseNr and HouseNrExt can’t be mapped separately before calling the API.
The API will calculate a split of street name, house number and extension for you, and will afterwards use the split values. This might result in incorrect behavior for which PostNL can’t be held liable. Content in this field must be in the described order or otherwise the conversion will not work and place all values in the Street field.
Each request contains a single parcel. This parcel can be (part of) a single shipment or can be part of a multi-collo shipment. Each parcel in a multi-collo shipment must be sent in a separate request towards the API. 
For shipments within the Netherlands, multi collo shipments can be created. Using the API, this can be done as follows:
-Create a separate request per parcel to retrieve a label or to confirm the shipment (or both at once)
-Connect the parcels by using the Group type in each request. Mention the amount of parcels in the shipment  (GroupCount), the number of the specific Parcel (GroupSequence) and the main barcode of the shipment (MainBarcode) and specify Multicollo as the GroupType (GroupType 03).
-Every parcel in the multi collo shipment has to have its own, unique barcode.
For Extra@Home and Cargo shipments, the requests cannot be done separately for multicollo shipments. Multi collo shipments must be confirmed in one joint request.

Multiple shipments
Multiple shipments can be sent in one request. To this end the Shipment field has been replaced by a Shipments field, which contains a list of Shipment elements. The response has also been modified. Instead of a ResponseShipment element, the response now consists of a GenerateLabelResponse element, which has a ResponseShipments field containing multiple ResponseShipment elements.
A maximum of four Shipment elements can be included in the Shipments field. When sending multiple signature images, keep in mind that the maximum size for the entire request is 200 KB.
You can use this functionality with the GraphicFile|PDF|Merge printer types to generate one label document containing multiple labels. These “merged label” documents can be found in the MergedLabels response field.
If you want to send only one shipment, you have to specify the Shipments element containing one Shipment.

Multiple label printing
It is possible to generate multiple labels at once, and have these labels printed on a single A4-sheet.

In order to use this functionality, you must select a different PrinterType. The PrinterType chosen determines the starting position of the label that is generated first. Below are the four printertypes that will produce an A4 sheet with multiple labels


In the figure below, the label starting position is shown for each type.

MergeA MergeB

MergeC MergeD

When a Merge type is chosen, the labels that follow are automatically printed on the next position. Note that four labels can be printed at once using this method, so you are always able to fill a complete A4 sheet.

The following applies to the merge functionality described above:

MergeA-D cannot be used for labels which are not 10x15 cm
MergeA-D cannot be used for combilabels
MergeA-D cannot be used for COD-products, due to the COD-card being printed. 

You can request up to four labels at once.

A printer type must be specified in the request. The API is capable of generating a wide range of output format. See the printer types below for the possible values. Please choose the type that fits best with your local printing situation.

GraphicFile|GIF 200, 300 and 600 dpi
GraphicFile|JPG 200,300 and 600 dpi
GraphicFile|PDF|MergeA, MergeB, MergeC and MergeD 

Zebra|Generic ZPL II 200, 300 and 600 dpi *

* It is not recommended to send .pdf files/labels directly to a Zebra printer If you want to send it directly to your Zebra printer, please use .gif files or the native (generic) zpl printer type.

Label types
The Label type helps you to determine what document is returned. In most cases, only a Label is returned. The following label types are possible:

Label (A6)normal shipping label for all shipments except for Parcels Non-EU
BusPakjeExtra (A6)shipping label for parcels that fit in a mailbox
CODcard (Kabinet (21 x 10,16 cm)COD card as required for Dutch domestic COD shipments
CN23 form (A5)customs form for Parcels Non-EU shipments
CP71 form (A5)customs form for Parcels Non-EU shipments
Commercialinvoice (A4)

commercial invoice for Parcels Non-EU shipments

Return Label (A6)

normal shipping label for reverse logistics

Productcode 4945:
ShipmentType parameter Gift or Documents: CN23 / CP71
ShipmentType parameter Commercial Goods, Commercial Sample or Returned Goods: CN23/ CP71/ CommercialInvoice

Address type
PostNL internal applications validate the receiver address. In case the spelling of addresses should be different according to our PostNL information, the address details will be corrected. This can be noticed in Track & Trace.

The API will not add address details. Street and City fields will only be printed when they are in the call towards the Shipping or Labelling API.

The element Address type is a code in the request. Possible values are:

03Alternative sender address
04Collection address
08Return address*
09Delivery address (for use with Pick up at PostNL location)

* When using the ‘label in the box return label’, it is mandatory to use an Antwoordnummer in AddressType 08. This cannot be a regular address. 

Within the CustomerType, only AddressType 02 can be used. This Type can also be placed in the ShipmentType.
Within the ShipmentType, at least ShipmentType with 01 is required. 

Shipment type
The element Shipment type is a code in the request. Possbile values are:

02Sender (if not in Customer/Address)
03Alternative sender address
04Collection address
08Return address*
09Delivery address (for use with Pickup at PostNL location)

* When using the ‘label in the box return label’, it is mandatory to use a Antwoordnummer in AddressType 08. This cannot be a regular address. 

The following rules apply:
If there is no Address specified with AddressType = 02, the data from Customer/Address will be added to the list as AddressType 02. If there is no Customer/Address, the message will be rejected.

An Address with AddressType = 02 can be specified. In this case, no Customer/Address has to be specified.

At least one other AddressType must be specified, other than AddressType 02. In most cases this will be AddressType 01, the receiver address.

Contact type
Contact type has the elements Email, SMSNr and TelNr. These fields have a dependency with each other. At least one of these three fields must be filled mandatory for certain products/ product codes (e.g. Evening/Sameday delivery, Pickup at PostNL location). Two or three can be filled as well.

Remark: Please add the e-mail address of the receiver to improve the Mijn PostNL experience of your customer.

Request Labelling API


AddressO-MAddress typeSee Address type (XmlElement is Address)
Address 02 is mandatory. It can either be placed in the Customer segment or in the Shipment segment.
Note that if you put it in the Shipment segment, it should go into all Shipment segments.
CollectionLocationMStringCode of delivery location at PostNL Pakketten123456
ContactPersonOStringName of customer contact personJanssen
CustomerCodeMString [1-4]Customer code as known at PostNL PakkettenABCD
CustomerNumberMInteger [1-8]Customer number as known at PostNL Pakketten1234567
EmailOString [0-50]E-mail address of
NameOString [0-35]Customer nameJanssen 

GIF image of the signature, max size: 280x60 mm (1058x226 pixels). As a base64 encoded string. This can be used to automatically sign the customs forms. The value of this element can have a maximum size of 65536 characters.

Larger requests will not be accepted by the server for performance reasons. Requests that exceed this limit will not return a validation error, but a HTTP 404 error.


Message type

MessageIDMString [1-12] ID of the message1
MessageTimeStampMDatetime [19] Date/time of sending the message. Format:  dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss 29-06-2016 12:00:00
PrintertypeMString [1-35] Printer type that will be used to process the label, e.g. Zebra printer or PDF See Guidelines for the available printer types.GraphicFile|PDF

Shipments type

ShipmentMShipment typeList of 1 or more ShipmentType elements of a shipment. At least one shipment type is required. Shipments for validation or
AddressesMAddress typeList of 1 or more Address type elements
At least 1 address type is mandatory
Amounts0-MAmount typeList of 0 or more AmountType elements. An amount represents a value of the shipment.
Amount type 01 mandatory for COD-shipments, Amount type 02 mandatory for domestic insured shipments.
Amount type 04 mandatory for Commercial route China (productcode 4992)
Amount type 12 mandatory for Inco terms DDP Commercial route China (productcode 4992)
BarcodeMString [11-15] Barcode of the shipment. This is a unique value3SABCD6659149
CollectionTimeStampEndODatetime [19] Ending date/time of the collection of the shipment04-06-2016 17:00:00
CollectionTimeStampStartODatetime [19] Starting date/time of the collection of the shipment 04-06-2016 19:00:00
ContactsO-MContact typeOne or more ContactType elements belonging to a shipment
Mandatory in some cases. Please refer to the Guidelines
ContentO-MString [0-35] *Content of the shipment
Mandatory for Extra@Home shipments
Media player
CostCenterOString [0-35] Cost center of the shipment.
This value will appear on your invoice
CustomerOrderNumber OString [0-35] Order number of the customer. 8689242390
CustomsO-MCustoms typeThe Customs type is mandatory for Parcels Non-EU shipments and not allowed for any other shipment types. 
DeliveryAddressO-MInteger [2] Delivery address specification. This field is mandatory when AddressType on the Address is 09. 02
DeliveryTimestampEndO-MDatetime [19] Timestamp of the delivery used for Delivery on Demand (MyTime)
Mandatory for Delivery on Demand shipments
04-06-2017 18:00:00
DeliveryTimestampStartO-MDatetime [19] Timestamp of the delivery used for Delivery on Demand (MyTime)
Mandatory for Delivery on Demand shipments
04-06-2017 16:00:00
DeliveryDateO-Mdatetime [19] 

Mandatory when using Mailbox Parcels (for generation of the coding rule) and delivery options like Evening/Morning/Sameday delivery etc. 

30-06-2016 12:00:00
DimensionMDimension typeDimension of a shipment.
See the dimension type.
DownPartnerBarcodeO-M String [0-35]Barcode of the downstream network partner of PostNL Pakketten.
DownPartnerIDO-M String [0-50]Identification of the downstream network partner of PostNL Pakketten.
Mandatory for Pickup at PostNl Location Belgium. Use the data from the Location API response; attribute RetailNetworkID 
DownPartnerLocationO-MString [0-10]Identification of the location of the downstream network partner of PostNL Pakketten.
GroupsO-MGroup typeList of 0 or more Group types with data, grouping multiple shipments together.
Mandatory for multicollo shipments. Please see Guidelines (Multiple shipments) for more information.
IDExpirationO-MDate [10]Expiration date of the ID document.
Mandatory for ID Check products
IDNumberO-MString [0-20]Document number of the ID document
Mandatory for ID Check products
IDTypeO-MInteger [2]Type of the ID document.
Mandatory for ID Check products.
See Products for possible values
ProductCodeCollectOInteger [4]Second product code of a shipment3153
ProductCodeDeliveryMInteger [4]Product code of the shipment3085
ProductOptionsO-MProductOption typeProduct options for the shipment, mandatory for certain products, see the Products page of this webservice 
ReceiverDateOfBirthO-MDate [10]Date of birth
Mandatory for Age check products
ReferenceO-MString [0-35] *Your own reference of the shipment. Mandatory for Extra@Home shipments; for E@H this is used to create your order number, so this should be unique for each request.2016014567
ReferenceCollectOString [0-35]Additional reference of the collect order of the shipment.6659150
RemarkOString [0-35]Remark of the shipment. Displayed on label, not used for data under GDPR.Fragile
ReturnBarcodeO-MString [11-15]

Return barcode of the shipment. PostNL will provide you with a separate customer code specifically for generating the returnBarcode.

Note: It is not possible to generate Label in the box labels with the 1.4 and 1.5 version. Please upgrade to the newest API version (or at least > 1.5) .


Mandatory for Label in the Box (return label) shipments.
ReturnReferenceOString [0-35]Return reference of the shipment.112233

* To be sure that all the characters are visible on the label don’t use more than 20 characters.

AddressTypeMInteger [2]Type of the address. This is a code. You can find the possible values at Guidelines02
AreaOString [0-35]Area of the addressBeukenhorst
BuildingnameOString [0-35]Building name of the addressAA
CityMString [0-35] *City of the addressHoofddorp
CompanyNameO-MString [0-35] *This field has a dependency with the field Name. One of both fields must be filled mandatory; using both fields is also allowed.
Mandatory when AddressType is 09.
CountrycodeMString [2]The ISO2 country codesNL
DepartmentOString [0-35]Send to specific department of a company.IT
DoorcodeOString [0-35]Door code of address123
FirstNameOString [0-35] *Remark: please add FirstName and Name (lastname) of the receiver to improve the parcel tracking experience of your customer.Peter
FloorOString [0-35]Send to specific floor of a company.4
HouseNrO-MString [0-35]Mandatory for shipments to Benelux.
Max. length is 5 characters (only for Benelux addresses).
For Benelux addresses, this field should always be numeric.
HouseNrExtONL= String [0-6]
Outside of NL= String [0-35]
House number extensionA
NameO-MString [0-35] *Last name of person. This field has a dependency with the field CompanyName. One of both fields must be filled mandatory; using both fields is also allowed. Remark: please add FirstName and Name (lastname) of the receiver to improve the parcel tracking experience of your Ruiter
RegionOString [0-35]RegionNoord-Holland
RemarkOString [0-35]Remark of the shipment. Displayed on label, not used for data under GDPR.Fragile
StreetO-MString [0-95] *This field has a dependency with the field StreetHouseNrExt. One of both fields must be filled mandatory; using both fields is also allowed.Siriusdreef
StreetHouseNrExtO-MString [0-95]

Combination of Street, HouseNr and HouseNrExt. Please see Guidelines for the explanation

Siriusdreef 42 A
ZipcodeO-MString [0-10]Zipcode of the address. Mandatory for shipments to Benelux
Max length (NL) 6 characters, (BE;LU) 4 numeric characters.

* It may happen that not all the characters will be shown on the label.

Amount type

AccountNameOString [0-35]Name of bank account ownerC. de Ruiter
AmountTypeMInteger [2]Amount type. This is a code. Possible values are: 02 = Insured value
04 mandatory for Commercial route China.
12 mandatory for Inco terms DDP Commercial route China.
BICO-MString [8-11]BIC number, optional for COD shipments (mandatory for bank account number other than originating in The Netherlands)RABONL2UXXX
CurrencyOString [3]Currency code according ISO 4217. E.g. EUREUR
IBANO- MString [15-31]IBAN bank account number, mandatory for COD shipments. Dutch IBAN numbers are 18 charactersNL00RABO0123456789
ReferenceOString [0-35]Personal payment reference1234-5678
TransactionNumberOString [0-35]Transaction number1234
ValueO-MDecimal [0-9]Money value in EUR (unless value Currency is specified for another currency). Value format (N6.2): #####0.00 (2 digits behind decimal dot)
Mandatory for COD, Insured products (with the exception of certain productcodes with a standard insured amount) and Commercial route China. For COD the Eurosign (€) is always required.

ContactTypeMInteger [2]Type of the contact. This is a code. You can find the possible values at Guidelines01
EmailO-MString [0-50]Email address of the contact. Mandatory in some cases. Please see
SMSNrO-MString [10-17]Mobile phone number of the contact. Mandatory in some cases.0612345678
TelNrO-MString [10-17]Phone number of the contact.0612345678
CertificateO-MBoolean [true/false]Possible values are true/false (no capitals allowed) Fill in if applicable, for specific items a export certificate is obliged, as proof that the item complies to the sanity regulations, more information. Mandatory for Parcel shipments in the category type Commercial Goods, Commercial Sample and Returned Goods (Certificate, Invoice or License; at least 1 out of 3 must be selected)true
CertificateNrO-MString [0-35]Mandatory when Certificate is true.NR112233
ContentMContent typeThis section is mandatory (minimum once, maximum 5) 
CurrencyMString [3]Currency code, only EUR, GBD, USD and CNY are allowed.EUR

HandleAsNonDeliverableMBoolean [true/false]Determines what to do when the Parcel shipment cannot be delivered the first time (if this is set to true, the parcel shipment will be returned after the first failed attempt)false
InvoiceO-MBoolean [true/false]Possible values are true/false (no capitals allowed)
Fill in the invoice number of the shipment. For a faster customs clearing process apply the invoice on the outside of the shipment. Mandatory for Parcel shipments in the category type Commercial Goods, Commercial Sample and Returned Goods (Certificate, Invoice or License; at least 1 out of 3 must be selected)
InvoiceNrO-MString [0-35]Mandatory when Invoice is true.22334455
LicenseO-MBoolean [true/false]Possible values are true/false (no capitals allowed) Fill in if applicable. Mandatory for Parcel shipments in the category type Commercial Goods, Commercial Sample and Returned Goods (Certificate, Invoice or License; at least 1 out of 3 must be selected)true
LicenseNrO-MString [0-35]Mandatory when License is true11223344

ShipmentTypeMString [1-35]Type of shipment, possible values: Gift, Documents, Commercial Goods, Commercial Sample, Returned GoodsCommercial Goods
TrustedShipperIDOString [0-50]Use only when available.
Depending on the destination with this ID the customs process can be faster. Only fill in this customs reference number if the sender is registrated as Trusted Shipper in the country of destination
ImporterReferenceCodeOString [0-50]

Fill in a Tax Code or VAT number or Importer code. Depending on the destination with this reference the customs process can be faster

TransactionCodeO-MString [0-50]

Code and accompanying description according to UPU List 136: “Item nature indication codes” (link). Most common codes are shown below for your reference.
TransactionCode / TransactionDecription
11                        Sale of goods
21                        Returned goods
31                        Gift
32                        Commercial sample
91                        Documents

TransactionDescriptionO-MString [0-50]

Transaction description
See TransactionCode description above

Sale of goods
DescriptionMString [1-35]Clear description of the content of the item in English (description of goods)Powdered milk
QuantityMInteger [1-4]Fill in the total of the item(s)2
WeightMInteger [1-20]Fill in the weight of the item(s) in gram (gr)2600
ValueMDecimal [1-9]Fill in the value of the item(s)20.00
HSTariffNrMString [6]Specify every item with the standard HS commodity code (HS-code), more information100878
CountryOfOriginMString [2]Fill in the code of the country where the item was produced (ISO-code), more informationNL
WeightMInteger [0-20]Weight of the shipment in grams
Approximate weight suffices
LengthOInteger [0-20]The longest side of the shipment in millimeters (mm).700
WidthOInteger [0-20]The second longest side of the shipment in millimeters (mm).500
HeightOInteger [0-20]The shortest side of the shipment in millimeters (mm).300
VolumeO-MInteger [0-20]Volume of the shipment in centimeters (cm3).
Mandatory for E@H-products

Note: Length, Width, Height values are about the order of the size and need to be filled in from the longest to the shortest value. For example: shipment’s official height is 700mm, width 500mm, length 300m. The longest side (highest value) of 700mm needs to be entered at Length. Width value becomes 500mm, Height value: 300mm (the lowest). Entering the dimensions in the wrong order may result in incorrect shipping labels and longer delivery times. The maximum dimensions can be found in your PostNL contract.