
Generate unique barcodes to identify the parcels

The barcode is a unique identifier which contains details about sender, receiver and details of the shipment itself. Each generated barcode will be stored in a database, making each barcode completely unique.

Why use the barcode API

  • Unique identifier

    An identifier to create unique shipments based on your customer number and code.

  • Input for Shipping or Labelling API

    To trigger a unique barcode per parcel once the parcel is ready to be sent

  • Track & Trace parcels

    With each generated and used barcode you and your customers will be able to trace the parcels.

Get started

View all the necessary information for implementing this API


View our exhaustive documentation.


All of our API's available as Postman collections.


Find PostNL on Github.


Test your integration by copying the endpoint.


Learn more about the Barcode API guidelines.