
IBANcheck Nationaal

Ensure correctly entered bank account details and avoid payment failures or additional bank charges.

IBAN is the International Bank Account Number. The IBAN is a way of showing your existing bank account details in an internationally recognized and standardized format

It is made up of 4 elements:

  • Country code: 2 characters to describe the country
  • Check digit:  2 digits are used to check the validate of the IBAN.
  • Bank code: Up to 4 characters to describe the bank name.
  • Account number: Up to 10 alphanumeric characters starting with a zero.

We offer 2 APIs within IBANcheck Nationaal product. Either validate a complete IBAN code or turn an (old existing) bank account number into a complete IBAN code:

MethodDescription that validates a complete IBAN code. that turns a bank account number in a complete IBAN by adding a country code, bank code and check digit.

Note: This API supports the GET method.

Preview the API call buildup below. 

Request Calculate

account  MString [10]  Either with or without the first character ‘0’. Within the IBAN code a bank account number starts with a ‘0’.Account number0123456789

Response Calculate

ibanIBAN codeNL24BANK0123456789
addressAddress of the bankTeststreet 100
bankBank nameRabobank
bicBank Identifier CodeBANKNL2XXXX
cityCity of the bank Amsterdam
zipPostalcode of the bank1000 AA

Status codes Calculate
The following status codes can be returned for the calculation API:

I01Invalid account number
I03Bank code not found

Request Validate

Attribute group MandatoryDescriptionExample
iban MIBAN codeNL24BANK0123456789

Response Validate:

Attribute group AttributeDescriptionExample
bank_data bicBank Identifier CodeBANKNL2AXXX
 bankBank nameBANK NEDERLAND
 addressAddress of the bankGELDSTRAAT 18
 cityCity of the bank AMSTERADM
 zipZIP of the bank1000 AA
 countryCountry of the bank of the bankNetherlands
 country_isoCountry ISO of the bankNL
 accountAccount number0123456789
errorscodeStatus codes (up to 5 in the output)I01
Status codes Validate
The following status codes can be returned for the validation API:

Status CodeTypeDescription
C01CorrectCheck digit correct
C02CorrectCheck digit account number correct
C03CorrectLength correct 
C04CorrectCheck digit not supported by account number
C05CorrectStructure correct
I01IncorrectCheck digit account number incorrect
I02IncorrectCheck digit incorrect
I03IncorrectLength incorrect
I04IncorrectStructure incorrect


Incorrect Only dutch (NL) account numbers allowed
E01ErrorInvalid API Key 


ErrorAccount error
E03ErrorNo queries available
E04ErrorAccess denied