How to use



Get your API key

API keys are unique codes that identify you or your application each time you make a call to one of our API’s.

Run sample requests

To make API requests you will need an API Key. Please register in order to receive credentials.

You can find sample request with dummy input and output in the documentation tab, in the Swagger tool. There you can preview the input and output responses from the API’s.

Connect to the services

In order to receive real (non-dummy) data output you will need a production account. After registration you will be given personalized login credentials and receive further instructions to activate your product account.

Do you already have a contract to access API’s from Data Solutions (formerly known as Cendris)? Please contact your Account Manager.

Read the documentation

Get familiar with our API documentation. The detail essential information common to all of our services. You need to be aware of these conventions before integrating any of our services.

Go to production

When you become a customer you receive a personal customer code/number and further information.


What is the Adrescheck Nationaal?

Achieve an efficient and correct input and check address data before it enters your software tooling, such as CRM and ERP system. Validate address data while it is entered.

How does the Adrescheck Nationaal work?

Simply use the API to check addressdata that is entered in your webshop or CRM.


The Adrescheck Nationaal is available in 2 different forms that differ on the input fields structure. The different methods provide an optimal way to implement the address verification in your tooling (webform, CRM etc).

General format (send any of a list of pre-defined fields). You can opt to require users to fill in a complete address (with all pre-defined fields that make up an address) or choose to choose a subset of fields. Unique Dutch addresses can be found based on the PostalCode+HouseNumber+Addition (dependant on the existence of an Addition in the HouseNumber range) or Street+HouseNumber+Addition+City. It can be attractive to use one of these subsets instead of requiring users to fill out a complete address format. To reduce the amount of fields the single line method can be, depending on your preference, even more attractive.