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Getting Started with PostNL Developer Center

The PostNL Developer Center offers a set of application programming interfaces (API's) that give you the means to incorporate PostNL functionality into your applications. This Developer Center describes how to create an account and get credentials to start building a connection with the Sandbox. Once you finish testing, you can move your application to the production environment.

Ready to get started? Keep in mind these steps as you begin your new development.

1. Find API's you would like to try

Explore a variety of product categories and discover the perfect API's for your business.

2. Register to create your own test API key

You can register for a free account with any combination of API's you want and get the credentials to use it in the sandbox. 

Note: It is possbile that you receive two seperate emails with credentials.

3. Test it out in the Sandbox environment

Each API comes with its own documentation. Also some API's are accompanied by test data, swagger and/or a sandbox where you can play around with the code before you go any further.

4. Get your API's into production

Once you are ready to move forward and submit your API('s) for approval, contact your accountmanager and work with our team to complete risk reviews, contracts, system configurations, pricing, and billing arrangements if applicable.