

Receive workorder

GET/supplier/v1/workorder Retrieve a workorder

Through this API a workorder can be retrieved to be executed.

Call guidelines

By stating your apikey and supplierID you receive all workorders available for you. Each workorder request can be received once. All fields are required.

Response fields

{ "data": [ { "Id": "string", "QuotationNrPostNL": "string", "SupplierID": "string", "PostNLWorkOrderNr": "string", "WorkOrderSAPNr": "string", "WorkOrderSubject": "string", "WorkOrderDescription": "string", "WorkOrderPriority": "string", "PostNLWorkOrderDateCreate": "2021-02-01", "WorkOrderDateComplete": "2021-02-01", "PropertyId": "string", "PropertyAddressStreet": "string", "PropertyAddressNumber": "string", "PropertyAddressNumberAddition": "string", "PropertyAddressPostalCode6": "string", "PropertyAddressPostalCode4": "string", "PropertyAddressCity": "string", "PropertyAddressCountryCode": "NL", "Area": "string", "Asset": "string", "LocationOpenTime": "string", "LocationContactPostNL": "string", "LocationPhonePostNL": "string", "LocationMailPostNL": "string", "Attachment1": "string", "Attachment2": "string", "Attachment3": "string", "Attachment4": "string", "Attachment5": "string", "response": "string", "warningMessage": "string", "errorMessage": "string", "id": "string", "objectNameId": "string" } ] }

Possible error messages

  • SupplierID cannot be empty
  • Unknown SupplierID specified
  • SupplierID does not have a valid supplier-Category

Post confirmation of registering a workorder

POST/supplier/v1/workorder Provide a workorder confirmation

Through this API, confirmation of successful registering the workorder can be send by posting the unique reference of the supplier.

Call guidelines

{ "SupplierID": "string", "PostNLWorkOrderNr": "string", "SupplierWorkOrderNr": "string" }

All fields are required

  • PostNLWorkOrderNr: this is the WRK reference that was obtained from the previous call
  • SupplierWorkOrderNr: This is the value the supplier has for the WorkOrder on their end

Response fields

{ "data": [ { "response": "string", "warningMessage": "string", "errorMessage": "string", "id": "string", "objectNameId": "string" } ] }

Possible error messages

  • Unknown SupplierID specified
  • PostNLWorkOrderNr cannot be empty
  • PostNLWorkOrderNr does not occur in SupplierID
  • SupplierWorkOrderNr is allready filled in Axxerion
  • WorkOrder is not in status 3.1
  • SupplierID is does not have a valid supplier-Category

Provide planned date

POST/supplier/v1/workorder/date/planning Provide workorder planned date

Through this API the planned date of work to be executed can be sent. This API can be executed more than once to change the planned date.

Call guidelines

{ "SupplierID": "string", "PostNLWorkOrderNr": "string", "PlannedDate": "2021-02-01" }

  • PlannedDate: Should use the following date format: yyyy-mm-dd

All fields are required.

Response fields

{ "data": [ { "response": "string", "warningMessage": "string", "errorMessage": "string", "id": "string", "objectNameId": "string" } ] }

  • Unknown SupplierID specified
  • SupplierID cannot be empty
  • PostNLWorkOrderNR does not occur in SupplierID
  • PlannedDate cannot be empty
  • The actualEndDate is allready filled in PostNLWorkOrderNr
  • SupplierID is does not have a valid supplier-Category
  • Dateformat is not valid

Provide execution date

POST/supplier/v1/workorder/date/execution Provide workorder execution date

Through this API the confirmation of the date, the work has been executed van be sent.

However, as the execution date can be the before, the same or after the planned date, this API cannot be executed as there has not been a successful API 2.3 (planned date)

{ "SupplierID": "string", "PostNLWorkOrderNr": "string", "EndDate": "2021-02-01" }

SupplierId, PostNLWorkOrderNr and EndDate are obligatory.

  • EndDate: Should have the following date format: yyyy-mm-dd
  • SolutionSupplier: Optional field, in which a solution by the supplier can be provided

Response fields

{ "data": [ { "response": "string", "warningMessage": "string", "errorMessage": "string", "id": "string", "objectNameId": "string" } ] }

  • Unknown SupplierID specified
  • SupplierID cannot be empty
  • PostNLWorkOrderNR does not occur in SupplierID
  • EndDate cannot be empty
  • The estimatedEndDate is not set in PostNLWorkOrderNr
  • SupplierID is does not have a valid supplier-Category
  • Dateformat is not valid

Add invoice amount to workorder

POST/supplier/v1/workorder/invoice Provide workorder invoice

Through this API the invoice will be posted via invoice lines. The following invoice items can be, but are not limited to, registered:

Uren (aantal)Hours (amount)
Loonkosten (kosten per uur)Labour (cost per hour)
VoorrijkostenCall-out charges
Onderaanemer toeslagSubcontractor fee

(* the total amount of the invoice will be automatically calculated, therefore adding the total amount is unnecessary)

If an additional attachment is needed see the functionality of API 2.4

{ "Line": [ { "SupplierID": "string", "PostNLWorkOrderNr": "string", "Quantity": 0, "Description": "string", "Price": 0, "Valuta": "EUR", "Unit": "pc", "CostSort": "string" } ] }

SupplierID, PostNLWorkOrderNr, Quantity and Price are obligatory.'

  • Valuta: If left empty, default EUR will be used.
  • CostSort: If this is left empty, description becomes obligatory. If CostSort is used, Description is disregarded. CostSort is the description of the catalogItem that needs to be connected. For example, “voorrijkosten” would be the costs of having somebody come by. The catalogItem needs to be connected to the supplier.

Response fields

{ "data": [ { "response": "string", "warningMessage": "string", "errorMessage": "string", "id": "string", "objectNameId": "string" } ] }

Possible error messages

  • Unknown SupplierID specified
  • SupplierID cannot be empty
  • Quantity cannot be empty
  • Description cannot be empty when Costsort is empty
  • Price cannot be empty
  • PostNLWorkOrderNr does not occur in SupplierID
  • Unknown Currency used
  • Unknown Unit used
  • Unknown CostSort for this Supplier
  • SupplierID is does not have a valid supplier-Category

Closed workorders

GET/supplier/v1/workorder/closed Retrieve closed workorders

Through this API the workorders and close date can be retrieved.

Call guidelines

SupplierID is obligatory

  • PostNLWorkOrderNr: A specific WRK-number can be searched for
  • CloseDate: If not empty, this date will be used to search from

Response fields

{ "Id": "string", "SupplierID": "string", "PostNLWorkOrderNr": "string", "CloseDate": "2021-02-01", "response": "string", "warningMessage": "string", "errorMessage": "string", "id": "string", "objectNameId": "string" }

Possible error messages

  • Unknown SupplierID specified
  • SupplierID cannot be empty
  • PostNLWorkOrderNr does not occur in SupplierID
  • SupplierID is does not have a valid supplier-Category
  • Dateformat is not valid